Mid-year Fundraiser

SYMin is a place where clients can be seen for who they truly are and not be defined by what they lack. Real people support this important work one gift at a time! It's the support of individuals (not big agencies or corporations) that make a huge difference in the lives of our clients! You help create opportunities for their growth, healing and joy!

In the nine good months leading up to this end-of planning year, we've been challenged to control costs (like everyone). We've also had some special gits at the end of 2024 that inspire us to reach for some projects to improve service at our new location and to meet changing client needs.

The goals and chart below are based on what we need to break even. The stretch goal is important and will leave much more of some special gifts received at the end of 2023 intact for growth.

The breakdown of donors is based on a actual donors last April to June. We see you and every potential donor uniquely at SYMin and understand you want to make a difference.

We have a role for caring people who cannot give right now. Please accept our invitation to a trial quarterly newsletter subscription, free of charge or pressure. You'll learn of our awe-inspiring clients and amazing team. We don't target you for endless fundraising or sell or share your contact information. It's a joy-filled glimmer of hope for many recipients!Β Β 

Yes, I want to help with This Community-centered Ministry!

Our most valuable product is guidance counseling. Most of your gift goes to pay for this life-changing service. Of course, we also offer food, clothing, and more. For more information about us and how your gifts are used by our small and thrifty organization, go to our regular Donate page. You can give in any way you prefer (Paypal, Venmo, Credit Card, Check, Facebook, Electronic Check). Giving options are outlined in the menu under "Donate."