
Help Guide and Equip Homeless Young Adults...

...when you donate to SYMin.

They come to us for food, clothing, toiletries and self-care items but they stay to be heard, be known and receive guidance counseling. 80% engage deeply. Those who do are twice as likely to set and achieve life-changing goals as those who don't. We're always adapting and trying new things, but our methods are tested and have been effective since 2008. Our clients are awesome individuals and need help to recover from extreme poverty they have already experienced at this young age. We invite you to encounter them, engage with them and enjoy serving them as we do!

Yes, I want to help guide and equip homeless young adults!

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New mailing address:

Street Youth Ministry, 7421 Burnet Rd #264, Austin TX 78757. 

EIN: 46-1449556 for corporate matching.

IRS approved 501(c)(3). 

Email receipts are issued as soon as possible, and end-of-year itemized receipts for tax purposes are sent in January.

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Where does it go? We use your general funds to pay rent on our Drop-By center ($3200/month, 9%), pay dedicated and caring staff who provide critically needed guidance counseling (36%) , manage our volunteers, manage an amazing quantity of in-kind donations so they can go to our clients, and more. Program costs outside of salries are 51% and overhead is 4%. We are small but mighty.
In 2021, a total of 79% of your donations went to client programs. On average, we cost-effectively spent $710 per unique client served in 2021. Your gift of $59 allows us to deliver an hour of guidance counseling in a safe environment with plenty of resources for a homeless young adult. 
We invested 4% of your funds to manage our wonderful volunteers, who saved us the equivalent of 2 full-time employees of cost and brought us $129,000 of in-kind donations. Your gift of $11 is leveraged to to manage an hour of volunteers and receive and distribute $100 of in-kind donations, a great blessing indeed. To accomplish this, we spent $2.80 per volunteer hour given and $8.13 for every $100 of in-kind donated food or material.
We spent 5% of funds raising awareness of the need for services like ours for homeless youth. We invested 7% of your giving in training future leaders through our internship program, including client interns and interns from the community. Your gift of $38 allows us to raise awareness in one person for a year or train an intern in leadership of poverty-informed ministry for two hours. 
We spent 4% on overhead and 2% on raising funds. Fundraising costs are $1.67 for every $100 raised.
You can see our impact statement on our Form 990 on, or request our Annual Report from our About Us page.

Why us? We've been operating since 2008 and getting results with a difficult group of people to serve. We are cost effective and save society money since it's much cheaper to help someone for a few years rather than chase these young people as they age with legal, penal, and welfare programs for decades.

Why now? In the last two years, increased interest in helping homeless youth at the national level means we've seen more young people get temporary assistance for housing. Even though our youth have more opportunities for housing, our services are still used more now than ever. It's clear that housing alone isn't sufficient. Guidance counseling and relationship building is critical to our clients' abilities to build and maintain their futures. 

Why you? Fewer Americans are donating to charities since the tax changes of 2017. We depend on individuals and take no large government grants to increase our stability—our clients deserve stability. And you're here on our page—that sets you apart!